Chatbots Like ChatGPT: 7 Best ChatGPT Similar Chatbots


AI chatbots have gained immense popularity as they present various advantages over conventional customer service methods. These chatbots, powered by AI, can answer queries, offer support, and even market products without needing human intervention.

In this blog post, we will highlight the Top AI chatbots like ChatGPT in 2023, discuss their benefits, help you choose the right one for your needs, and offer some handy usage tips.

What are AI chatbots?

AI chatbots are computer programs designed to mimic human conversation. They use artificial intelligence, which allows them to learn and adapt over time. These chatbots can be utilized for various purposes including customer service, sales, and marketing.

Understanding ChatGPT

ChatGPT is an AI chatbot developed by OpenAI. It’s among the most renowned AI chatbots in the market, appreciated for its human-like text generation. ChatGPT can be used for diverse purposes such as writing, translation, and summarizing text.

Why use AI chatbots?

Here are some reasons why AI chatbots are beneficial:

  • Cost-effective: AI chatbots can help businesses reduce customer service costs.
  • Scalable: AI chatbots can easily adjust to the needs of a business.
  • Available 24/7: AI chatbots can provide continuous customer service.
  • Accurate: AI chatbots can be trained to provide precise information.
  • Personalized: AI chatbots can be customized to suit each user.

The Top 7 AI Chatbots Like ChatGPT in 2023

Let’s delve into the top AI chatbots like ChatGPT in 2023:

1. Microsoft Bing AI

Microsoft Bing AI

Bing AI is an AI-powered chatbot developed by Microsoft. It is designed to have natural language conversations and provide helpful information to users. Like ChatGPT and other chatbots like ChatGPT, Bing AI can understand questions posed in natural language and generate human-like responses.

Bing AI is built on top of Microsoft’s Bing search engine and integrates with it to provide more relevant and up-to-date information.

Features of Microsoft Bing AI

  • Conversational abilities
  • Integration with search
  • Creativity
  • Personalization
  • Safety

2. Google Bard

Google Bard

Google Bard is an AI chatbot developed by Google using its Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA) technology.

Like ChatGPT and other chatbots like ChatGPT, Bard is designed to have natural conversations and provide helpful information to users. Bard can understand natural language questions and provide human-like responses based on web information.

Features of Google Bard

  • Conversational abilities
  • Integration with Google search
  • Creativity
  • Safety
  • Availability

3. Claude 2

Claude 2

Claude 2 is an AI chatbot built by Anthropic to have natural conversations and be helpful, harmless, and honest.

Claude 2 able to understand natural language questions and provide intelligent responses. Claude 2 build on Anthropic’s existing Claude chatbot and aim to improve abilities while maintaining safety.

Features of Claude 2

  • Conversational abilities
  • Knowledge
  • Safety
  • Availability

4. Chatsonic

Chatsonic Writesonic

Chatsonic is an AI chatbot service created by Soundful, an AI voice startup. Like ChatGPT and other chatbots like ChatGPT, Chatsonic is designed to understand natural language queries and provide helpful, conversational responses.

Chatsonic is powered by Soundful’s proprietary AI models trained on both text and audio data. This allows it to generate more human-like responses.

Features of Chatsonic

  • Conversational abilities
  • Multimodal training
  • Speed
  • Custom voices
  • Availability

4. Jasper AI

Jasper AI

Jasper AI is an artificial intelligence chatbot. It can engage in natural language conversations and provide helpful information to users.

Jasper AI is focused on providing a social and emotional conversational experience beyond just providing factual information.

Features of Jasper AI

  • Conversational abilities
  • Personality
  • Custom voices
  • Ethical AI
  • Accessibility

5. Perplexity AI

Perplexity AI

Perplexity AI is an artificial intelligence chatbot created by Perplexity AI, a startup focused on natural language processing. Like ChatGPT and other chatbots like ChatGPT, Perplexity AI can understand natural language queries and provide conversational responses.

Perplexity AI uses more advanced AI techniques like recursive learning to improve on the limitations of ChatGPT and other chatbots like ChatGPT.

Features of Perplexity AI

  • Advanced learning
  • Context handling
  • Knowledge expansion
  • Customized responses
  • Availability

6. Llama 2

Llama 2

Llama 2 is a second-generation open-source large language model (LLM) developed by Meta AI. It is trained on a vast dataset of text and code, and can be used for a variety of tasks.

Features of Perplexity AI

  • Generating text
  • Advanced learning
  • Knowledge expansion
  • Multimodal training

7. OpenAI Playground

Openai playground

OpenAI Playground is a chatbot created and launched by OpenAI, the makers of ChatGPT and other chatbots like ChatGPT. OpenAI Playground allows users to have natural language conversations and get helpful responses.

OpenAI Playground serves as a more experimental and informal chatbot compared to ChatGPT, focused on fun.

Features of OpenAI Playground

  • Informal conversations
  • Creativity
  • Experimentation
  • Quick access
  • Light filtering

Choosing the best AI chatbot for your needs

When deciding on an AI chatbot, consider the following:

  • Chatbot purpose: What will the chatbot do? Will it be used for customer service, sales, or marketing?
  • Business size: How many customers and employees do you have?
  • Your budget: How much are you willing to invest in an AI chatbot?
  • Necessary features: Which features are important to you? Do you need a chatbot that can answer questions, provide support, or sell products?

Effective AI chatbot usage tips

Here are some useful tips for using AI chatbots effectively:

  • Define your goals: Understand what you want the chatbot to achieve. Then, train the chatbot accordingly.
  • Use clear and brief language: AI chatbots aren’t perfect, so clear and concise language is vital when interacting with them.
  • Be patient: AI chatbots are still in development, so learning and adaptation may take time.
  • Provide feedback: The more feedback you give, the better the chatbot becomes.

Which Chatbot is Right for you?

The best AI chatbot for you depends on your specific needs and requirements. If you need a chatbot to answer questions, provide support, or sell products, ChatGPT, Microsoft Bing AI, Google Bard, Chatsonic, Ada, Replika, LaMDA, or HuggingFace ChatGPT are all viable options.

The benefits of using AI chatbots

Here are some benefits of using AI chatbots:

  • Cost-effective: AI chatbots can help businesses save money on customer service.
  • Scalable: AI chatbots can adjust to the needs of a business.
  • 24/7 availability: AI chatbots are always available, aiding businesses in providing better customer service.
  • Accuracy: AI chatbots can provide accurate information, which is crucial for businesses needing accurate customer service or product information.
  • Personalized: AI chatbots can be tailored to individual users, improving user experience and engagement.

Limitations of using AI chatbots

While AI chatbots offer many benefits, they also have some limitations:

  • Accuracy: AI chatbots may not always be accurate. They can err, especially with complex questions or ones they haven’t been trained on.
  • Personalization: AI chatbots can be personalized, but they might not always understand the nuances of human conversation. This can lead to misunderstandings and frustration.
  • Creativity: AI chatbots aren’t as creative as humans. They can generate text but cannot come up with new ideas or concepts.

The future of AI chatbots

AI chatbots have a promising future. As AI technology continues to progress, chatbots will become more accurate, personalized, and creative. As businesses and individuals realize the benefits they offer, chatbots will become more widely used.


AI chatbots are a potent tool with diverse uses. They can help businesses save money, enhance customer service, and market products. However, it’s crucial to understand their limitations before using them. Overall, AI chatbots are an exciting technology with the potential to transform our interaction with computers.

FAQs: Best AI Chatbots Like ChatGPT

What are some top AI chatbots in 2023?

Some of the top AI chatbots in 2023 include ChatGPT, Microsoft Bing AI, Google Bard, Chatsonic, Ada, Replika, LaMDA, and HuggingFace ChatGPT.

How to choose the best AI chatbot?

Consider the chatbot’s purpose, your business size, budget, and the necessary features when choosing an AI chatbot.

What are some effective AI chatbot usage tips?

For effective AI chatbot usage, define your goals, use clear language, be patient during its learning phase, and provide feedback for improvements.

What are the benefits of using AI chatbots?

AI chatbots are cost-effective, scalable, available 24/7, can provide accurate information, and offer personalized user experiences.

What are the limitations of using AI chatbots?

Despite their benefits, AI chatbots can face issues with accuracy, personalization, and creativity, and may not always grasp the subtleties of human conversation.

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