8 Best AI Image Generators: Create Realistic Images with Text


AI image generators are a new and exciting technology that can be used to create realistic and creative images from text descriptions.

In recent years, there has been a surge in the development of AI image generators, and there are now a number of different options available.

In this blog post, we will take a look at the 8 best AI image generators you can try in 2024. We will discuss the features and capabilities of each generator, as well as the pros and cons of each. We will also provide some tips on how to choose the best AI image generator for your needs.

What is an AI image Generator?

An AI image creator is a software application that can generate images from textual descriptions. These applications employ artificial intelligence to learn and produce realistic images from a range of commands.

The Top 8 AI Image Creators in 2024

Here are the top 8 AI image creators in 2024:



Midjourney is a tool that makes pictures using smart computer thinking. When you tell Midjourney what you want in a picture, it creates it for you. Even though it’s new and still being tested, lots of people are excited about it. This AI image generator is famous for making very real-looking pictures and for taking many ideas and putting them into one image.

Features of Midjourney

  • Makes real-looking pictures: Midjourney can make pictures that look just like real photos. It’s good at this because it thinks in a special way that helps it make images.
  • Mixes ideas into one picture: Imagine telling Midjourney to show you a dog flying a kite on a beach. It will make that picture for you! It’s like magic.
  • Everyone can help make it better: Since Midjourney lets everyone see how it’s made, people can help make it even better.
  • Cost to use: Right now, we don’t know how much Midjourney will cost. But people think it might be about $15 each month.

Pros and Cons of Midjourney


  • Makes real-looking pictures: Midjourney makes pictures that look just like real ones. This is great for people who make art or design things.
  • Puts many ideas in one picture: This is a fun way to see many different things in one picture.
  • Everyone can see how it works: Because everyone can see how Midjourney is made, it’s more honest and clear.
  • Cost: People think Midjourney will cost about $15 each month.


  • Still being tested: Since Midjourney is new, it might have some mistakes sometimes.
  • Not everyone can use it yet: Right now, only some people can use Midjourney. So, you might have to wait.
  • Might not always be fair: Just like other AI image generators, Midjourney might sometimes make pictures that are not fair or kind to everyone.

Pricing of Midjourney

Prices for mid-journey vary from $10 for the Basic Plan to $120 for the Mega Plan, with the Standard and Pro plans costing $30 and $60, respectively.


DallE 2

DALL-E 2 is like a magic artist that makes pictures from words. It’s a new kind of AI image generator. It’s like DALL-E but better and smarter. You can tell DALL-E 2 what picture you want to see, and it will make it for you. DALL-E 2 can even mix different ideas into one picture.

Features of DALL-E 2

  • Makes real-looking pictures: DALL-E 2 can make pictures that look like real photos. It learned from a special way of thinking to do this.
  • Mixes ideas: Tell DALL-E 2 you want a picture of a turtle eating a sandwich in a snowstorm, and it will show you! It’s great at mixing funny or strange ideas into one picture.
  • Understands words better: DALL-E 2 knows how to turn words into pictures even better than the old one. It learned from more words and smarter ways to think.
  • Not for everyone yet: Right now, not everyone can use DALL-E 2. There’s a waiting list.

Pros and Cons of DALL-E 2


  • Makes real-looking pictures: Artists and designers will love how DALL-E 2 makes pictures that look so real.
  • Mixes ideas: DALL-E 2 is fun because it can take different ideas and put them in one picture.
  • Better at using words: It knows how to turn words into pictures better than before.


  • Not for everyone: Right now, only a few people can use DALL-E 2. So, you might have to wait.
  • Might cost a lot: Some say that using DALL-E 2 might be very pricey.
  • Might not be fair: DALL-E 2 learned from many pictures and words, but it might not always show fair or right pictures.

Pricing of DALL-E 2

DALL-E 2 gives you 50 free credits when you sign up, and you can get 15 more credits every month. It costs $15 USD for 115 credits (460 images), and $1,500 USD for 11,500 credits (46,000 images). This price is higher than Midjourney and the free Stable Diffusion, which are also competitors.


Craiyon AI

Craiyon is a tool that makes pictures using smart computer thinking. When you tell Craiyon what you want in a picture, it creates it for you. Even though Craiyon is newer than Midjourney, many people who make art really like it. This AI image generator can make pictures that look very real, and it can also make one picture with lots of different ideas in it.

Features of Craiyon

  • Makes real-looking pictures: Craiyon can make pictures that look just like real photos. It’s good at this because of the smart way it thinks about pictures.
  • Puts many ideas in one picture: If you want a picture of a dog dancing in the rain with an umbrella, just ask! Craiyon can make it for you.
  • Doesn’t cost money for fun projects: If you’re making art just for fun or to learn, you can use Craiyon without paying.
  • Lots of people use it: Many people like using Craiyon, so there’s a big group of people who share tips and help each other.

Pros and Cons of Craiyon


  • Makes real-looking pictures: Lots of artists and designers like how Craiyon’s pictures look just like real ones.
  • Puts many ideas in one picture: It’s fun to see a picture with lots of different things in it.
  • Doesn’t cost money for fun projects: This is great for people who just want to try making art with a computer.
  • Lots of people use it: It’s nice to have a big group of friends who also use Craiyon.


  • Costs money for work projects: If you want to use Craiyon to make art that you sell, you need to pay.
  • Still being tested: Since Craiyon is new, it might have some mistakes sometimes.
  • Might not always be fair: Just like other AI image generators, Craiyon might sometimes make pictures that are not fair or kind to everyone.

Pricing of Craiyon

Criayon AI is free if you just want to make art for fun, but you will see ads. If you want more and no ads, you can get the Supporter Plan for $5 a month if you pay for a whole year or $6 a month if you pay month by month. If you’re a pro, the Professional Plan costs $20 a month for a year or $24 a month.


Artbreeder, a popular AI image creator, is specialized in creating realistic images of humans. It’s a great choice for those wishing to generate images of themselves or their loved ones.


BigSleep is a newer AI image creator focusing on creating surreal, dreamlike images. It’s suitable for those looking to generate images beyond the boundaries of reality.


StarryAI is an AI image creator specialized in creating images of space. It’s a great choice for those wishing to generate images of planets, stars, and galaxies.

DeepDream Generator

DeepDream Generator is an AI image creator focused on creating abstract and psychedelic images. It’s suitable for those looking to generate visually arresting and thought-provoking images.


Imagen is a newer AI image creator that’s even more potent than DALL-E 2. It can produce even more detailed and realistic images.

Why use an AI image generator?

Here are a few reasons why an AI image creator might be helpful:

  • To produce impressive visuals: AI image creators can generate more creative and realistic images than can be hand-drawn.
  • To save time and effort: AI image creators automate image production, leaving you with more time for other tasks.
  • To experiment with innovative ideas: AI image creators allow you to investigate new concepts without investing time and money in developing physical prototypes.

What are the different kinds of AI image creators?

There are two primary types of AI image creators:

  • Text-to-image creators: These creators generate images from textual descriptions. You simply input a text description of your desired image, and the creator develops an image according to your description.
  • Style transfer creators: These creators take an existing image and apply a new style to it. You can use style transfer creators to generate images in the style of a renowned artist or to create images reflecting a specific mood or ambience.

The kinds of images that can be created with AI

AI image generators are capable of creating a broad range of images, such as:

Real-life images: AI image generators can make lifelike images of people, animals, items, and natural scenes. These images can be used in numerous ways, including marketing, designing, and educating.

Imaginative images: AI image generators can also make abstract or stylized creative images. These images can help express ideas or feelings, or simply create something visually appealing.

Specific styles: AI image generators can create images in particular styles, like impressionism, cubism, or surrealism, adding an artistic touch to your images.

3D images: Certain AI image generators can even generate 3D images. These images find applications in gaming, animation, and product visualization.

The types of images that AI image generators can create depend on the capabilities of the generator. Generally, AI image generators can create a diverse set of images for multiple applications.

Here are a few examples of images that can be created using AI image generators:

  • A lifelike image of a cat lounging on a windowsill.
  • A stylized image of a cityscape composed of various geometric shapes.
  • An image created in the style of Van Gogh’s “Starry Night.”
  • A 3D representation of a human skull.

As AI image generators continue to evolve, we can anticipate a wider array of possibilities for the types of images that can be produced.

Selecting the Perfect AI Image Creator for Your Needs

Here are a few considerations while choosing an AI image creator:

  • Your budget: AI image creators range from free to hundreds of dollars monthly.
  • Your requirements: What kind of images do you need? Realistic, creative, or something in between?
  • Your skill level: What is your expertise with AI image creators? If you’re a novice, opt for a user-friendly generator.

FAQs: Best AI Image Generators

  1. What is an AI image generator?

    An AI image generator is a software application that uses artificial intelligence to create realistic images from text descriptions or applying new styles to existing images.

  2. Why should I use an AI image generator?

    AI image generators can create impressive visuals, save time and effort in image production, and allow for experimentation with innovative ideas without costly physical prototyping.

  3. What are the different types of AI image generators?

    AI image generators primarily fall into two categories: text-to-image creators, which generate images from textual descriptions, and style transfer creators, which modify existing images by applying new styles.

  4. What kinds of images can AI image generators create?

    AI image generators can create a variety of images, including lifelike representations, stylized creative images, images in specific art styles, and 3D images. The type of image produced depends on the generator’s capabilities.

  5. How do I choose the best AI image generator for my needs?

    Choosing the best AI image generator depends on your budget, the type of images you need, and your skill level with such tools. The best fit should align with your specific needs and comfort with the technology.


AI image creators are potent tools that can produce impressive visuals. Given the array of options, you’re bound to find an AI image creator that suits your needs perfectly.

I hope this blog post has given you valuable insights about AI image creators. If you have any queries, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below.

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