7 Best Midjourney Gallery Resources: Make Your Own Art By Using Gallery


Midjourney is a powerful AI art tool that can be used to create stunning images from your imagination. However, one of the challenges of using Midjourney is coming up with good prompts. This is where Midjourney Gallery resources come in.

Midjourney Gallery resources are a collection of images and text prompts that can be used to inspire your own art creations. They can be used to get you started with a new project, or to help you refine your existing ideas.

In this blog post, we will discuss the 7 best Midjourney Gallery resources. We will also provide tips on how to use them to create your own art.

Midjourney Gallery resources are a collection of images and text prompts that are stored in the Midjourney cloud. They can be accessed by anyone who has a Midjourney account.

To use Midjourney Gallery resources, simply browse the gallery and select the images or text prompts that you want to use. You can then use these images or text prompts to generate your own art with Midjourney.

Midjourney Gallery resources can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Getting started with a new project: If you’re not sure what you want to create with Midjourney, you can browse the gallery for inspiration.
  • Refining your existing ideas: If you already have an idea for an image, you can use the gallery to find images or text prompts that can help you refine your idea.
  • Learning about different styles of art: The gallery is a great resource for learning about different styles of art. You can browse the gallery to see different techniques and styles that have been used to create images.
  • Collaborating with others: You can share Midjourney Gallery resources with other artists to collaborate on projects.

Here are the 7 best Midjourney Gallery resources:

Midjourney Official Gallery

This is the official gallery for Midjourney, where you can find the top trending and all-time most popular images generated by Midjourney users. You can also filter the images by category, model version, and other criteria.

Midjourney Community Feed

This gallery is only open to Midjourney subscribers who have paid for it. It has more filters and search options, including filters for ‘rising’ and ‘hot’ images. You can also copy the whole text prompt for any image you find.

Midjourney Discord Server

This is a great resource for Midjourney users to connect with each other, share tips and tricks, and get feedback on their work. There is also a dedicated channel for the Midjourney gallery, where users can post their images and get feedback from others.


Pinterest is a great place to find inspiration for your Midjourney creations. There are many boards dedicated to Midjourney art, and you can also search for specific images or styles.


Behance is a popular online portfolio platform where Midjourney artists can showcase their work. You can find many Midjourney projects on Behance, and you can also follow Midjourney artists to see their latest work.


DeviantArt is another popular online art community where Midjourney artists can share their work. There are many Midjourney groups and forums on DeviantArt, and you can also find many Midjourney artworks in the general art gallery.


ArtStation is a website dedicated to showcasing professional art and design work. There are many Midjourney artists on ArtStation, and you can find many high-quality Midjourney artworks in the digital art gallery.

Here are some tips on how to use Midjourney Gallery resources to create your own art:

  1. Be specific with your search terms: When you’re searching for images or text prompts in the gallery, be as specific as possible. This will help you to find images that are relevant to your project.
  2. Don’t be afraid to experiment: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different images and text prompts. The best way to find what works for you is to try different things.
  3. Use your imagination: The best Midjourney Gallery resources are the ones that spark your imagination. Don’t be afraid to use.

Here are some tips on how to use Midjourney Gallery resources to create your own art:

  1. Be specific with your search terms: When you’re searching for images or text prompts in the gallery, be as specific as possible. This will help you to find images that are relevant to your project.
  2. Don’t be afraid to experiment: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different images and text prompts. The best way to find what works for you is to try different things.
  3. Use your imagination: The best Midjourney Gallery resources are the ones that spark your imagination. Don’t be afraid to use your imagination to create something new and unique.
  4. Don’t be afraid to fail: Everyone fails sometimes when they’re creating art. Don’t let this discourage you. Just keep experimenting and trying new things until you find something that you like.

Yes, Midjourney has its own gallery. The Midjourney Gallery is a collection of images that have been generated by Midjourney users. You can access the Midjourney Gallery by clicking on the “Gallery” tab in the Midjourney app.

The Midjourney Gallery is a great resource for finding inspiration and learning about different styles of art. You can browse the gallery to see images that have been generated by other users, and you can also share your own images with the community.

The best Midjourney Gallery resource for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. If you’re looking for inspiration, the Midjourney Community Gallery or the Midjourney Subreddit are great places to start. If you’re looking for high-quality art, DeviantArt or ArtStation are good options. And if you’re looking for creative work, Behance is a great resource.

Ultimately, the best way to find the right Midjourney Gallery resource for you is to experiment and see what works for you. There is no right or wrong answer, so just have fun and be creative!

The Midjourney Gallery offers a wide variety of art, including:

  • Landscapes: Midjourney can generate stunning landscapes, from lush forests to snow-capped mountains.
  • Portraits: Midjourney can generate realistic portraits of people, animals, and fictional characters.
  • Abstract art: Midjourney can generate abstract art that is both visually appealing and thought-provoking.
  • Fan art: Midjourney can generate fan art of your favorite characters and settings from movies, TV shows, and video games.
  • Concept art: Midjourney can generate concept art for your own creative projects.


Midjourney Gallery resources are a great way to get inspired and to learn about different styles of art. They can be used to get you started with a new project, or to help you refine your existing ideas.

If you’re looking for inspiration for your next art project, I encourage you to check out the Midjourney Gallery. You might just find the perfect image or text prompt to help you create something amazing.

What is Midjourney and its Gallery?

Midjourney is an AI art tool to create images from imagination. The Midjourney Gallery houses a collection of images and prompts by users, accessible through the “Gallery” tab in the Midjourney app.

How can one use the Midjourney Gallery resources?

Simply browse the gallery with a Midjourney account, select images or text prompts of interest, and employ them to inspire and refine your art creations on Midjourney.

What are the top resources within the Midjourney Gallery?

The best resources include the official Midjourney Gallery, Community Feed, Discord Server, and platforms like Pinterest, Behance, DeviantArt, and ArtStation where Midjourney art is featured.

How can the Midjourney Gallery benefit artists?

It aids in starting new projects, refining existing ideas, learning various art styles, and enabling collaboration with other artists using shared resources.

What types of art can be found in the Midjourney Gallery?

The gallery boasts landscapes, portraits, abstract and fan art, as well as concept art for personal projects.

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