Get Rid of My AI Snapchat: How to Do in Simple Steps


My AI is a chatbot feature on Snapchat that allows users to chat with a virtual assistant. It can be used to answer questions, get help with tasks, and even play games. However, some users may find My AI to be annoying or intrusive. If you are one of those users, you may want to get rid of My AI on Snapchat.

In this blog post, we will discuss how My AI works on Snapchat, how to get rid of My AI Snapchat, and how to do it in simple steps.

How My AI Works on Snapchat

My AI is powered by a large language model, which is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that can understand and respond to human language. The language model is trained on a massive dataset of text and code, which allows it to learn how to answer questions, follow instructions, and generate creative text formats.

When you use My AI on Snapchat, you are essentially asking the language model to complete a task for you. For example, you can ask My AI to tell you a joke, translate a sentence, or find a recipe.

Why You Might Want to Get Rid of My AI on Snapchat

There are a few reasons why you might want to get rid of My AI on Snapchat:

  • You find it annoying or intrusive.
  • You don’t use it and don’t want it taking up space on your phone.
  • You are concerned about privacy and don’t want Snapchat to track your conversations with My AI.

How to Get Rid of My AI Snapchat

There are three steps to getting rid of My AI on Snapchat:

  1. Remove My AI from your chat feed.
  2. Disable My AI.
  3. Delete your Snapchat data.

Step 1: Remove My AI from Your Chat Feed

To remove My AI from your chat feed, open Snapchat and go to your Chats screen. Tap and hold on the My AI icon and then select “Remove from Chat.”

Step 2: Disable My AI

To disable My AI, open Snapchat and go to your Settings screen. Tap on “Account Actions” and then select “Manage My Account.” Scroll down and tap on “My AI” and then toggle the switch to the off position.

Step 3: Delete Your Snapchat Data

To delete your Snapchat data, open Snapchat and go to your Settings screen. Tap “Account Actions” and then “Delete Account.” To delete your account, just do what it says.

What Happens When You Get Rid of My AI on Snapchat?

When you get rid of My AI on Snapchat, the following things will happen:

  • My AI will be removed from your chat feed.
  • You will no longer be able to use My AI to answer questions, get help with tasks, or play games.
  • Snapchat will no longer be able to track your conversations with My AI.

Can You Get My AI Back on Snapchat?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to get your AI back on Snapchat if you have already deleted it. Once you delete an AI on Snapchat, it is permanently deleted from the platform.

There are a few reasons for this. First, Snapchat wants to protect its users’ privacy. When you delete an AI, Snapchat deletes all of the data associated with it, including the AI’s name, avatar, and conversations. This helps to ensure that no one else can access your AI’s data.

Second, Snapchat wants to prevent users from abusing the AI feature. If users could delete and recreate AIs at will, it could be used to spread spam or create fake accounts. By permanently deleting AIs, Snapchat discourages this type of behavior.

If you have accidentally deleted your AI, you can try contacting Snapchat support. However, there is no guarantee that they will be able to restore it.

Is Snapchat AI Safe

Snapchat AI is generally safe to use. It is a large language model chatbot developed by OpenAI and Snapchat.

However, there are some potential risks associated with using Snapchat AI. These risks include:

  • Data privacy: Snapchat AI is a large language model, which means that it is trained on a massive dataset of text and code. This data includes information about people, places, and events. If you use Snapchat AI to generate text, this information could be collected and used by Snapchat AI’s developers or by other third-party organizations. This could pose a risk to your privacy.
  • Security risks: Snapchat AI is a complex piece of software that is constantly being updated. There is always the potential for security vulnerabilities to be exploited by hackers. This could allow hackers to access your personal information or to disrupt Snapchat’s network.
  • Bias: Snapchat AI is trained on a massive dataset of text and code, which means that it is likely to reflect the biases that are present in that dataset. This could lead to Snapchat AI generating text that is offensive or discriminatory.

Alternatives to My AI on Snapchat

There are a few alternatives to My AI on Snapchat:

  • Replika: Replika is a chatbot that is designed to be a friend and companion. It can be used to talk about anything, and it can also help you to relax and de-stress.
  • ChatGPT: ChatGPT is a chatbot developed by OpenAI. It is also designed to be informative and comprehensive, and it can be used to generate creative text formats, like poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, email, letters, etc.
  • is a chatbot development platform that can be used to create custom chatbots. It is a powerful tool that can be used to create chatbots for a variety of purposes.
  • Mee6: Mee6 is a chatbot that can be used to moderate chat rooms and servers. It can also be used to play games, give out rewards, and more.

These are just a few of the many alternatives to My AI on Snapchat. The best alternative for you will depend on your needs and preferences.


Getting rid of My AI on Snapchat is a simple process that can be done in a few steps. If you find My AI to be annoying or intrusive, or if you are concerned about privacy, you can follow the steps above to get rid of it. There are also a number of alternatives to My AI that you can use.

FAQs: Get Rid of My AI Snapchat

What is My AI on Snapchat?

My AI is a virtual assistant on Snapchat that answers questions, assists with tasks, and plays games, powered by a vast language model.

Why might users want to remove My AI from Snapchat?

Users might find it intrusive, unnecessary, or have privacy concerns about Snapchat tracking My AI conversations.

How can one get rid of My AI on Snapchat?

Users can remove My AI from their chat feed, disable it in settings, and delete their Snapchat data for complete removal.

What happens after removing My AI from Snapchat?

My AI will no longer appear in chat, its features will be inaccessible, and Snapchat won’t track related conversations.

Are there any alternatives to My AI on Snapchat?

Yes, alternatives include Replika, ChatGPT,, and Mee6, each offering different chatbot experiences.

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