Midjourney Fast Mode & Relax Mode: Everything You Need to Know


Midjourney is a powerful AI image generator that can create stunning images from your imagination. However, one of the factors that can affect the quality and speed of image generation is the mode that you use. Midjourney offers two modes: Fast Mode and Relax Mode.

In this blog post, we will discuss the differences between Midjourney Fast Mode and Relax Mode, when to use each mode, and some tips for getting the best results.

How Midjourney Works

Midjourney is a large language model (LLM) that has been trained on a massive dataset of images and text. When you give Midjourney a prompt, it will use its knowledge of images to generate an image that matches your description.

Midjourney can generate a variety of different images, including landscapes, portraits, abstract art, and more. It can also create images with specific styles, such as photorealistic, cartoony, or painted.

One of the things that makes Midjourney so powerful is its ability to understand and respond to natural language. When you give Midjourney a prompt, you can use keywords, phrases, and even complete sentences. Midjourney will use this information to generate an image that is as close to your vision as possible.

What is Midjourney Fast Mode?

Midjourney Fast Mode is the default mode for image generation. When you use Fast Mode, Midjourney will generate images as quickly as possible. This is ideal for users who need to generate images quickly, such as artists who need to create concept art for a game or movie.

However, there are some drawbacks to using Fast Mode. First, the images generated in Fast Mode may not be as high quality as the images generated in Relax Mode. Second, using Fast Mode can consume more of your Midjourney credits.

What is Midjourney Relax Mode?

Midjourney Relax Mode is a slower mode of image generation that produces higher quality images. When you use Relax Mode, Midjourney will take its time to generate the best possible image for your prompt. This is ideal for users who want the highest quality images, such as artists who are creating fine art or photographers who are looking for high-resolution images.

However, there are some drawbacks to using Relax Mode. First, it can take longer to generate images in Relax Mode than in Fast Mode. Second, using Relax Mode can consume more of your Midjourney credits.

The Differences Between Midjourney Fast Mode and Relax Mode

The main difference between Midjourney Fast Mode and Relax Mode is the speed of image generation. Fast Mode generates images much faster than Relax Mode, but the images may not be as high quality. Relax Mode generates images more slowly, but the images are typically higher quality.

Another difference between the two modes is the amount of Midjourney credits that they consume. Fast Mode consumes more credits than Relax Mode, because it requires more processing power.

When to Use Midjourney Fast Mode

You should use Midjourney Fast Mode when you need to generate images quickly. This is ideal for users who need to create concept art for a game or movie, or for users who want to experiment with different prompts and see the results quickly.

You should also use Fast Mode if you are on a budget and don’t want to spend too many Midjourney credits.

When to Use Midjourney Relax Mode

You should use Midjourney Relax Mode when you want the highest quality images. This is ideal for users who are creating fine art or photographers who are looking for high-resolution images.

You should also use Relax Mode if you have the time to wait for the images to generate.

Tips for Using Midjourney Fast Mode and Relax Mode

Here are some tips for getting the best results when using Midjourney Fast Mode and Relax Mode:

  • Be specific with your prompts. The more specific you are, the better the results will be.
  • Use keywords and phrases that describe the look and feel of the image you want to generate.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment. There are no right or wrong answers when it comes to using Midjourney.
  • Have fun! The whole point of Midjourney is to let your imagination run wild.

The Pros and Cons of Midjourney Fast Mode and Relax Mode

Pros of Midjourney Fast Mode:

  • Generates images quickly
  • Ideal for users who need to generate images quickly
  • Consumes fewer Midjourney credits

Cons of Midjourney Fast Mode:

  • Images may not be as high quality as images generated in Relax Mode

Pros of Midjourney Relax Mode:

  • Generates high quality images
  • Ideal for users who want the highest quality images
  • Can be used to generate fine art or high-resolution images

Cons of Midjourney Relax Mode:

  • Takes longer to generate images than Fast Mode
  • Consumes more Midjourney credits

The Future of Midjourney Fast Mode and Relax Mode

It is likely that Midjourney will continue to improve the quality of images generated in both Fast Mode and Relax Mode. It is also possible that Midjourney will introduce new modes that offer a balance between speed and quality.

Overall, Midjourney Fast Mode and Relax Mode are both powerful tools that can be used to generate stunning images. The best mode to use will depend on your specific needs and preferences.


Midjourney Fast Mode and Relax Mode are two powerful tools that can be used to generate stunning images. The best mode to use will depend on your specific needs and preferences. If you need to generate images quickly, then Fast Mode is a good option. If you want the highest quality images, then Relax Mode is a better choice.

Experiment with both modes and see which one works best for you. With a little practice, you’ll be able to create amazing images with Midjourney. I hope this blog post has been helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

FAQs: Midjourney Fast Mode & Relax Mode

What is Midjourney and how does it work?

Midjourney is a powerful AI image generator that understands natural language and creates images based on user prompts using a vast dataset of images and text.

How do Fast Mode and Relax Mode differ in Midjourney?

Fast Mode generates images quickly with potential trade-offs in quality, while Relax Mode takes longer but produces higher quality images.

When should I use Fast Mode?

Use Fast Mode for quick image generation, such as concept art or when on a budget to save Midjourney credits.

Why would one opt for Relax Mode?

Choose Relax Mode for higher quality images, suitable for fine art or high-resolution photography, even if it takes more time.

Any tips for optimal results with Midjourney?

Be specific in prompts, utilize descriptive keywords, experiment freely, and enjoy the creative process.

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